Live Rapturously by alyssa aparicio


Live Rapturously

Make rapture your North Star and fill your life with play

The Problem

  • Centering the Shadow: In the sphere of empowerment, there are many ways in which the shadow and trauma are the primary focus. When we center these part of ourselves without equal or more commitment to joy, we constantly feel like a work in progress and lose sight of the opportunity we have to enjoy our lives

  • Settling for Crumbs: In so many ways, society teaches us to settle for crumbs, to not rock the boat and accept mediocrity

  • Narratives of Suffering: Many parts of our femininity are mired in vocabulary and expectations of suffering. Such as our monthly “curse” aka menstrual cycle. But there is a world beyond these narrow views of what it means to be a feminine being

The Pussy Empowered Solution

Healing doesn’t have to be all hard work and you don’t have to do it alone

  • Blissipline: You will learn to put equal or more focus on how to fill your day and life with pleasure at every opportunity

  • Live Rapturously: You will dare to create the life of your dreams rather than letting the cards fall where they may

  • Permission: You will learn to play more guiltlessly. And you’ll be held in a community that will celebrate with you, cheer you on, and inspire you

Ready to Live Rapturously?


Parade Your Power by alyssa aparicio


Parade Your Power

Move through the world anchored into your embodied, authentic power while taking up space unapologetically

The Problem

  • Shrinking Ourselves: Many of us receive messages and conditioning that it is not safe to move through the world as a woman from a very young age. Thus we make ourselves small so as not to draw attention to ourselves and not stir the water

  • Empowerment is not a Theory: Many modalities that teach empowerment are mostly theoretical or compartmentalized. When it comes to implementing this in real time, it can be very hard to put into practical use

  • Lack of Safe Space: It is not often that we are in containers where we feel safe to experiment with what feels powerful in our bodies vs what feels performative or inauthentic

The Pussy Empowered Solution

  • Parade: Power is a practice. You will have opportunities to practice express yourself in the presence of community, where you will learn how to stay present, aware, and enjoying your body even with eyes on you

  • Posture: You will learn how to carry yourself so that you feel grounded into your strength and power from deep within, while commanding attention and earning respect with the language of your body

  • Boundaries: You will learn to set boundaries and speak your truth by grounding into the wisdom of your body

Ready to Parade Your Power?


Untame Your Wild Hips by alyssa aparicio


Untame Your Wild Hips

Break free from linear movement and liberate your curves

The Problem

  • Holding Shame: Our hips are home to the most sexualized parts of our bodies. Many of us hold shame in this area as we shrink our hips to fit into a linear world that makes us feel uncomfortable for just being in our natural form.

  • Right Angles: We constantly put our bodies in right angle chairs which cuts off circulation in our hips, womb, and lower back, causing stiffness that can result in painful misalignment in the present and down the line.

The Pussy Empowered Solution

  • Untame: You’ll learn to activate your hips and enjoy the feeling of life coursing through your hips, ass, womb, reproductive organs

  • Reclaim: You' will reclaim the right to inhabit your curves whether or not it’s in a sexual way. Gain confidence and comfort in connection to your hips and their wild nature

  • Express: You will explore dances from around the world that center hip movements including belly dance, erotic dance, samba, twerking, and latin dance led by lifelong performer & aficionado, Alyssa Aparicio

  • Learn: You will learn about the herstory of these dances from fertility ritual, to performance, to sex work, to social dance

Ready to Untame Your Wild Hips?


What are the other 9 Elements of Pussy Power?

More resources on Untame Your Wild Hips

Untame Your Wild Hips

Root Chakra Activation w/ DJ Moonflower

Arouse the Sacred Erotic by alyssa aparicio


Arouse the Sacred Erotic

Free your authentic sexuality and root into profound intimacy with your erotic self.

The Problem

  • The Double Edged Sword: Our society teaches us that our value is placed on how we express our sexuality— dragging us between the extremes of virgin or whore, villainizing us either way based on puritanical ideals rooted in colonization and Christianity.

  • Inadequate Sex Education: In the US and in many places around the world, sex education is extremely limited which has kept us in the dark about the function of our reproductive organs and how to interact with our sexuality in a healthy way.

  • External Dependency: We are taught that our sexuality exists only in relation to others and that our fulfillment/satisfaction comes from outside of us, rather than learning how to connect with the nature of our erotic selves whenever we so desire.

The Pussy Empowered Solution

  • Intimacy: You will create a relationship of respect and intimacy with your innate eroticism

  • Awareness: You will gain an understanding of your sex organs and how pleasure nourishes your mind, body, and spirit

  • Celebration: You will reclaim the joy, bliss, and creativity available to you in connection with your sexual energy.

Ready to Arouse the Sacred Erotic?

Want to better understand what I mean by the “Sacred” in Sacred Erotic?

Check out this video:

What are the other 9 Elements of Pussy Power?

More resources on Arouse the Sacred Erotic

Pussy Empowered Podcast Episode: Arouse The Sacred Erotic

Conjure Your Intuitive Womb by alyssa aparicio


Conjure Your Intuitive Womb

Learn to trust yourself and make decisions from the depths of your being.

The Problem

  • Overanalyzing: From a young age we are taught that logic & analysis is superior to all else, including our intuitive connection.

  • Gaslighting: Many of us have experiences where we are encouraged to mistrust what we know in our depths to be true. We learn to defer out power to others who are considered to know “better” than us including parents, teachers, and doctors.

  • Disassociation: Many of us feel deeply disconnected from our womb space due to societal perceptions of sexuality & menstruation, trauma, and shame that resides here.

  • Where’s the instruction manual? Likely, no one ever taught you just how to access and operate your intuition. And thus it remains an elusive mystery.

The Pussy Empowered Solution

  • Womb Awareness: You will develop a connection with your womb space from within which will allow you to become deeply in tune with your core.

  • Body Wisdom: You will practice connecting to and integrating intuitive wisdom in real time, not just in theory.

  • Conviction: You will learn to recognize your truth and decipher when fear, overanalyzing, or the voices of others are trying to interrupt your deeper knowing.

Ready to Conjure Your Intuitive Womb?


What are the other 9 Elements of Pussy Power?

More resources on Conjure Your Intuitive Womb

Conjure Your Intuitive Womb Podcast Episode

Surrender to Being by alyssa aparicio


Surrender to Being

Anchor into the present, where your true power lives in real time.

The Problem

  • Overanalyzing: From a young age we are taught that logic & analysis is superior to all else.

  • Overthinking: It’s so easy for us to get so caught up in our heads that the present simply eludes us.

  • Worth=Productivity: In a society built on capitalism, we are taught that our worth is wrapped up with how much we can accomplish. We are hooked on doing and have forgotten how to just be.

  • Past & Future Tripping: Many of us are fixated on the past or the future, but not equipped to anchor into the NOW.

The Pussy Empowered Solution

  • Sensuality: the senses are a portal to the present. Learning to ground into the senses continually brings us out of our heads and into the moment.

  • Presence: Practicing being here and now in our bodies gives us access to our ability to act, respond to our needs/desires, and ground ourselves.

  • Embracing Emotions: Instead of ignoring how we feel, we process our emotions and allow our feelings to inform us about what needs our attention internally and externally.

Ready to Surrender to Being?


Alchemize Your Herstory by alyssa aparicio



Develop your self awareness & understand where you are on your personal journey, in relationship with your ancestors, & in the greater context of society past & present.

The Problem

  • Many of us blame ourselves for how we interact with the world without stepping back & gaining perspective of the greater context at play and having compassion for where we are on the journey

  • The majority of the womxn’s empowerment landscape fails to address how intersectionality ie race, ethnicity, class, gender impacts our relationship to our power and the greater power dynamics at play in society

  • Herstory repeats itself when we do not take the time to learn from the past

The Pussy Empowered Solution

  • Actively reflect on your relationship with your power, with self, and position within the context of society at large

  • Acknowledge that you do not exist in a bubble & you are not alone in your experience

  • Engage in deeper conversations with individuals from all walks of life and be pro-active in filling in your blind spots

  • Learn to make intentional choices that will create the life you wanna live & the world you wanna live in, in real time

What are the other 9 Elements of Pussy Power?

Ready to Alchemize Your Herstory?

Image: Full Moon by Alyssa Aparicio & Talltree aka Flash The Abyss

Image: Borinquen Preciosaby Alyssa Aparicio & Talltree aka Flash The Abyss

Embrace Your Lunar Prowess by alyssa aparicio


Embrace Your Lunar Prowess

Creating an intimate understanding of & relationship with your cyclical nature.

The Problem

  • We live in a patriarchal world that sees time as linear and mimics the solar cycle. The expectations of our daily lives mimic the 24 hr hormonal cycle of men which puts unrealistic expectations on the nature of our bodies as individuals who experience menstrual cycles

  • The majority of education systems around cycles neglect to teach us about our reproductive systems in any comprehensive way

  • Many of us suffer in silence in regards to our relationship with our cycles: from period pain, to pms, to fertility, to shame.

  • As a collective we remain in the dark about this aspect of ourselves and others

The Pussy Empowered Solution

  • Learn how your monthlong menstrual cycle impacts your mind, body, spirit, & emotions

  • Engage with cyclical living by integrating what you learn about the ebbs & flows of your cycle into your daily life in a practical way

  • Engage w/ ritual, trainings, & conversations that teach you how to understand your body better, validate your body’s wisdom

  • Break free from the overarching narrative of suffering & shame attached to your cycle

  • Surrender to the flow of your power, rather than swim against the current of your nature

What are the other 9 Elements of Pussy Power?

Ready to Embrace Your Lunar Prowess?

Image: Full Moon by Alyssa Aparicio & Talltree aka Flash The Abyss

Image: Full Moon by Alyssa Aparicio & Talltree aka Flash The Abyss

More resources on Embracing Your Lunar Prowess:

2021 Lunar Calendar

What No One Told You About Menstrual Pain

Reading List

Encounter Your Secret Garden by alyssa aparicio


Encounter Your Secret Garden

Creating an intimate understanding & awareness of your physical Pussy

The Problem

  • Most of us are raised with inadequate education around our reproductive system

  • Subsequently, many of us don’t know how to locate, care for, interact with, or even name these mysterious part of our bodies. What goes unnamed, goes mis-understood

  • Many spaces devoted to womxn’s empowerment speak about Pussy as an intangible, elusive idea, rather than a physical, tangible place on our bodies.

The Pussy Empowered Solution

There’s nothing woo woo about Pussy Power.

Here’s how you will be empowered in your relationship with your physical, tangible Pussy via The Pussy Empowered approach:

  • Acquaint yourself with your reproductive system by learning proper names and functions for your anatomy ie cervix, uterus, vagina, clitoris, ovaries, & more

  • Enhance your proprioceptive & interoceptive awareness of your Pussy - meaning, the somatic awareness of these parts of your body, and learning to hear the messages these parts of your body are communicating to you ( just as your stomach let you know when you are hungry, or your eyes let you know when you are tired, your Pussy has much to share with you)

  • Engage w/ ritual, trainings, & conversations that teach you how to connect with your own anatomy intimately and anchor into your bodily connection, wisdom, & pleasure.

  • Give your Pussy the respect, dignity, & love it deserves by creating intimacy with this part of your body

What are the other 9 Elements of Pussy Power?

Ready to Empower Your Pussy?

Image: Altar I by Alyssa Aparicio & Talltree aka Flash The Abyss

Image: Altar I by Alyssa Aparicio & Talltree aka Flash The Abyss

5 Ways to Support Yourself When Speaking Your Truth: by alyssa aparicio

In the past week, the film Strip Down, Rise Up has premiered on Netflix. Leading up to its release, unresolved feelings about my less than optimal experience being filmed for a class in a modality called S Factor, which was filmed for the purpose of being included in the documentary.

Next came absolute outrage upon watching the finished film which was releases a little over a week ago. Navigating the waves of this experience has been quite the ride.

After sharing my uapologetic, non- sugar coated truth on IG live, the video went viral. It was reposted and shared by many womxn all over the world. My DMs filled with shares & I've been receiving opportunities to speak to this ever since, including in an interview by Buzzfeed. Its been energetically a lot to navigate which is what I want to be transparent with you about.

The best way I can describe how this experience has been is:activating.

From the release of the trailer stirring up unresolved discomfort with my involvement, to absolute outrage upon watching the finished film upon its release a little over a week ago, to navigating the waves of this experience.

Not only that, but my video went viral, shared by many womxn all over the world, my DMs filled with shares, & I've been receiving press opportunities ever since. My voice was included quite a bit in this BuzzFeed article. Its been energetically a lot to navigate which is why I want to be transparent with you.

In the name of inspiring you to speak your truth when the time comes for you, I want to de-mystify what this moment has been like. But first I want to breakdown a very brief summary of my frustration with this doc:

Why this film is problematic:

1. It upholds stigma around sex work/ers: there is not a single interview featuring a stripper in this documentary on the "world of pole". This includes the absence of my own voice as a stripper during filming nearly 3 years ago. And whenever sex work or sex workers arementioned, it's framed as shameful or less than in contrast with using the pole for other purposes. The lack of education, awareness, & intersectionality in this discussion is erasing & infuriating.

2. It upholds patriarchal standards: This film frames itself as female empowerment, but I don't believe its empowering to put the male gaze at the center of the discussion. From centering trauma, to weight loss, to makeover, to interviewing the husbands and highlighting their voices/problematic opinions of their pole dancing partners, I see this as upholding patriarchal BS, not dismantling a damn thing.

If you haven't yet, I encourage you to watch my video to hear more of my perspective.

What its been like to share my truth:

1. Liberating: Having the courage to express my honest opinions and unfiltered truth has been a next level energetic portal. My body itself can feel the difference lately when I practice embodiment and move through space.

2. Illuminating: As soon as I opened my mouth, the comment sections & my DMs were flooded with shares. From sex workers & pole enthusiasts who were similarly outraged by the film, to former S Factor employees sharing their less than optimal experiences. I realized that my intuitive nudges were on point all along. My instincts about this modality and my experience were validated in unexpected ways. And I realized how often we defer our own intuitions to those who have bigger platforms than us in circumstances that we are more than qualified to speak to.

3. Clarifying: It became very clear to me that the reason I doubted my experience initially had to do with imposter syndrome. And to take it one step further in the words of Blair Imani: "Calling it "Imposter Syndrome" hides the fact that oppressive systems teach many of us to actively suppress and hate ourselves". I understood that my own doubt stemmed from the power dynamics at play in this particular situation and that the overarching discussion in the mainstream of female empowerment blatantly ignores intersectionality. The historical context of colonization and white supremacy is what makes S Factor & the documentarian of this film feel so comfortable completely ignoring the roots of pole dance in stripping.

4. Unnerving: Along the way I've had many fearful moments where good girl conditioning became painfully clear. A great opportunity for re-programming. For example, when I first started sharing, I was feeling very concerned about appearing mean or aggressive. I experienced gaslighting from other womxn and I worried about getting into legal trouble. But I recognized through this that my inner bitch has fierce boundaries, is ready to protect me, and can smell bullshit from miles away- I fell more in love with & grateful for this part of myself.

Overall, this has been a powerful experience to step into with deep self awareness and devotion to practicing what I preach. It also became crystal clear that this is about so much more than me. I'm so happy I shared my truth about being a stripper with y'all 6 months ago. As a result, I got on my way to feeling comfortable speaking about this important part of my life and I already began peeling back the layers to stand in this truth fully.

5 Ways to Support Yourself When Speaking Your Truth:

Here are the elements that have kept me anchored & feeling empowered to speak my truth, integrating my wholistic Pussy Empowered approach in real time:

1. Mind: Thinking about the ways in which my journey has led my to my current understanding of why this film is problematic, and the context of this moment in herstory has been powerful reflection. And an important reminder of why trusting my intuition & sharing my voice is so necessary for me personally & to the collective. It is about so much more than me, which has eliminated the option of staying silent from the realm of possibilities in my eyes.(Herstory*)

2. Body: Laying on the ground, being cleansed by the ocean, dancing under the stars, and seeing the horizon have been reminders that I am deeply held and supported. Connecting into my senses and the Earth helped me stay present and awake to the reality of the moment and out of the fear overactive minds cling to so often. Staying committed to my blissipline, eating well, sleeping lots, taking CBD, baths, and listen to music have been deeply supportive to my nervous system. (Rapture)

3. Spirit: anchoring into my ongoing womb meditation, sensual movement and journaling kept me centered in my inner world & connected to my WHY & committed to showing up (Intuition)

4. Emotion: continuing my practice of processing & confronting emotions that were coming up rather than ignoring or vilifying them kept me honest and present with myself. (Surrender)

5. Support: I'm lucky to have extremely supportive friends & community with experience in activism and also in "coming out" to their loved ones in order to live in their truth. They helped remind me that my doubt and fear was a direct result of the racist patriarchy and the importance of continuing to share my story. I'm so grateful for these incredible beings (you know who you are). Having a supportive community is critical as we dismantle and re-condition ourselves, in the process of laying the foundation of the world we want to see.

As a result of this experience, I have felt called to lean into this conversation and inspired to create this conversation series which will culminate in a panel discussion on a TBD date & platform. Join me for live discussions with strippers & varied voices on the topic of:

What do you need to thrive?-5.png

First Up:

What do you need to thrive?-4.png

I’ll leave you with this excerpt by Audre Lorde”

"I was going to die, sooner or later, whether or not I had even spoken myself. My silences had not protected me. Your silences will not protect you.... What are the words you do not yet have? What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them, still in silence? We have been socialized to respect fear more than our own need for language."

I began to ask each time: "What's the worst that could happen to me if I tell this truth?" Unlike women in other countries, our breaking silence is unlikely to have us jailed, "disappeared" or run off the road at night. Our speaking out will irritate some people, get us called bitchy or hypersensitive and disrupt some dinner parties. And then our speaking out will permit other women to speak, until laws are changed and lives are saved and the world is altered forever.

Next time, ask: What's the worst that will happen? Then push yourself a little further than you dare. Once you start to speak, people will yell at you. They will interrupt you, put you down and suggest it's personal. And the world won't end.

And the speaking will get easier and easier. And you will find you have fallen in love with your own vision, which you may never have realized you had. And you will lose some friends and lovers, and realize you don't miss them. And new ones will find you and cherish you. And you will still flirt and paint your nails, dress up and party, because, as I think Emma Goldman said, "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution." And at last you'll know with surpassing certainty that only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth. And that is not speaking."

From ‘The Transformation of Silence Into Language & Action” by Audre Lorde

*The titles in parenthesis mark the corresponding element taught with my Pussy Empowered approach.

See all 9 Elements of Pussy Power

9 Elements of Pussy Power by alyssa aparicio

Pussy Empowered:

An intersectional, wholistic approach to empowerment integrating mind, body, spirit & emotion.

Sex & sex worker positive.

From inner truth —> physical activation —> to embodied expression.

It’s not just theory, it’s practical, tangible application to your everyday life.

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9 Elements of Pussy Power:

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Curious to learn more?

Tune into my explanation of these areas of exploration via Pussy Empowered Podcast Episode 2:

9 Elements of Pussy Power

Are you wondering, WTF is Pussy Power Anyway?

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Strip Down, Rise Up : From the Perspective of a Stripper on Set by alyssa aparicio

Today marks the release of Strip Down, Rise Up, the Netflix Documentary about the empowering impacts of pole dance. I participated in the filming as part of a class in a modality called S Factor. Upon watching the trailer when it was released a few weeks back, unresolved thoughts and feelings about my experience during filming rose to the surface once again.

On of my main points of discomfort is in the fact that the trailer entirely omitted stripping from an implied complete conversation on those who interact with the pole.

This was a reflection of the experience I had while working as a professional stripper at the time of filming. I felt deeply unseen and out of alignment in a classroom where the context of history, race, class was never addressed in regards to pole. Nor was education or advocacy on this topic ever on the table.

I am currently in the process of digesting and sharing about this experience. Hear my thoughts below:

Harness the power of Your Cycle: A Reading List by alyssa aparicio

Do you realize the power inherent in your cycle? Are you in tune with that power on a daily, weekly, monthly basis?

If your answer to either of these questions is no, it is NOT your fault. Our education system and society at large has failed us. In fact they have lied to us, implying and outright telling us that our cycles signify weakness, that we are fragile creatures, that we are lesser than. We get the message that suffering just comes with the territory of being a woman.

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2021 Lunar Calendar & Guidebook: A Tour by alyssa aparicio

Creating our Lunar Calendar was quite the experience. From traversing across the deserts of California to interacting with one another via whistle because Erik needed to be that far away from me to get the perspective required for each photo and there was no cell service. It was an adventure that we daydreamed into existence as a part of our photo series Flash the Abyss.

Each photo was taken with the actual moon versus photo shopped in. And my intention in embodiment was to illicit the way that lunar phase feels on an internal and external level.

We hired Mystic Souls Art Design to create our vision of a lunar spiral that indicates the dates and days of the week across the year.

Here’s the finished product:

Order your copy here!

A tour of the calendar:

A Behind the Scenes Look:

Lunar Prowess Guidebook

Our 18 page digital ebook is a how-to manual for lunar living. We explore each phase with our photographs and invitations for practical ways to invite la luna into your life.

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Video Series

Along the way we even made a video series from the footage:

We hope that you’ve enjoyed what we have created from our time adoring and aligning with the Moon!

Feel called to invite the moon into your life? Order a copy of our calendar & guidebook of your own here:

Self Taught: Musings On Freeing My Body from the Tyranny of Technique by alyssa aparicio

After a fairly recent live performance, a woman from the audience came up to me and asked “are you self taught”? “No” I snapped at her as I retreated, ticked off. If only she could have seen all the hours I’d trained. Countless days and nights. Ballet teachers scolding me and being encouraged to saran wrapping my stomach (can’t believe I did that one). Weeks of why whole body being sore and beyond exhaustion. Class after sweaty class pushing my body beyond its limits. But I wouldn’t lie to myself. I know that along this journey my technique has never been my strongest suit. Even with all the training, my inner critic has been loud and realistic. She knows her limitations. 

So when this woman asked me on this day, she touched a spot of insecurity that runs across my lifetime. Even after all that work, it still looks like I’ve never had proper training, huh?

But when I reflect on this innocent question, I remember that there has been a pivot in my relationship with dance. Or at least in my perception of my relationship with it. I’ve always loved to dance with abandon, with my whole heart and soul. But for a long time I never thought that was enough. At some point I realized that my gift has always been in the passion itself. That I was never here to be the “best” dancer. That my body itself refused to be tamed no matter how hard I tried to tame her. 

In that sense, yes, I have been self taught. I have taught my body to be free. Or rather I have listened deeply to her and asked her what she wants most. Enough to know that freedom is always the answer in some form or another. She has taught me what it is to be present. To enjoyyyy the subtleties of being in this human form.  To not miss out on this physical experience in favor of an anti-carnal spiritual dogma, or for satisfaction of the gatekeepers who decide what makes a good vs bad dancer, or in favor of a narrative that believes one must truly suffer for their art.  I love to learn and to grow the vocabulary of my hips, hands, feet. And I taught myself how important it is to continue to make sacred space for dancing with abandon.

I’ve had to quiet the sad inner child who just wanted to be great, to soothe the part of me who thought that only acknowledgment mattered. That performance was my oxygen. I’ve taught myself how to BE in my body. To bask in the aliveness under my skin. And to lean into the space around me, unafraid to have an experience with the breeze, the sand, the sounds of music as it cleanses me. And to dance like no one is watching even if everyone is.

Thats why I am so passionate about inviting my clients home to their bodies. Beyond choreography, beyond self judgment, beyond the right and wrong way, there is freedom so simple and serene. So lush and delicious. Something all the technique in the world could never have shown me.

Curious about working with me? Book a Free Pussy Empowered Discovery Call Here.

Almost Home: A Flash The Abyss Film by alyssa aparicio

I am thrilled to announce that we are finally unleashing our award winning film, Almost Home, to the internet. I’m so excited to get to share this creation with you all at last! This project was a passion project by myself and my partner Erik “Talltree” Butts. It was even awarded the Hollywood Filmmaker Award at Divulge Dancers’ Film Festival.

Sharing this with y’all has been a LONG time in the making. Erik and I began working on this project before we even started dating and now we are coming up on our 7 year anniversary! Along the way it has taken the back seat many times as we focused on our respective work. But now is finally its moment to be set free! Its our first short film as a part of our ongoing project Flash the Abyss.


Almost Home is film about the journey we embark on only to return to the truth we start from. The story is an autobiography of professional dancer, Alyssa Aparicio, on her path to embracing the Goddess within and shedding the weight of industry expectations. 

She knew what she was meant for all along. One of her earliest memories, a recurring daydream of herself dancing through the clouds over her native Bronx sky. She dreamed of being a star, an artist, exploring the world. Her desires took her into the realm of modeling at a very young age before she segwayed back to her first passion of dance. Immersed in these respective industries and big cities of New York and Los Angeles, she soon became disenchanted by the feeling that her spirit was diminishing more and more with every pound upon the pavement and heartless casting call. She had become estranged from her true nature and found herself on the brink of breakdown trying to make ends meet.

From the depths of this despair came a profound period of breakthrough as she went on a spiritual exploration that reunited her with what she refers to as her Highest Self, representing a limitless, empowered, divinely inspired version of herself. 

We find the protagonist at the intersection of breaking point and entry point into owning the depths of her potential. At the borderline of who she refused to remain and who she knew she had always been. 

This film was created at the blossoming of new love between the dancer and director, Erik “Talltree” Butts. It seems destined that his talent for painting otherworldly visions would be the vessel for bringing her ethereal dream to life.

Case Study: How Adriana Accessed a New Relationship with Sensuality & Being Sensual to Herself by alyssa aparicio

Dance has always been an important part of Adriana’s life. In the midst of the Covid pandemic, she was feeling called to explore new technologies for getting into her body. She was also missing sweaty dance parties and desiring a practice to ground into and a source of fun to look forward to. In my Group Course, Sweat, Play, Twerk, Adriana’s relationship with sensuality reached new depths. And even through the bumpy terrain of tumultuous times the course was like a “steady surfboard” and powerful source pleasure.

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Pussy Empowered Podcast now on iTunes! by alyssa aparicio

Free Live Webinar March 29th 1pm PST_ 4pm EST (14).png

Breaking news: my podcast was just approved on iTunes!!

The 1st ever episode of Pussy Empowered Podcast is now live!

In this first episode I break down what I mean by Pussy and Power and what happens when they unite. I dissect and dismantle notions of patriarchal power and redefine it for a new paradigm of Pussy Power.

I would LOVE your help! Can you listen and write me a 5 star review? It’s just 11:11 minutes long!

I appreciate you!