Giveaway! by alyssa aparicio

Thank you for your help arriving at 2K followers on IG!

To celebrate, I am giving away a Radiance bundle including my 21 min. Sensual Radiance Movement Ritual and 17 min. Lunar Radiance Womb Meditation.

To enter:

  1. Record a video of yourself dancing your truth to the song of your choice. Or use a song from my Dance Yourself Free playlist here.

  2. Share the video either on your IG and tag @sensual_radiance or share in my free private group, Pussy Empowered Coven, allowing yourself to be witnessed embodying your truth.

  3. Join my free private group Pussy Empowered Coven

  4. Nominate 2 friends by tagging them in my latest IG post.

    Enter before Monday 7/6 at midnight PST.

    2 winners will be chosen at random!

I humbly dedicate the above dance to the memory of Dr. Amie Harwick.

Case Study: How Diba Reconnected with Her Body, Voice & Play in the Time of Covid by alyssa aparicio


Diba is a multi-national, multi-lingual boss research scientist in the male dominated industry of tech. She was desiring to root into her feminine side and stay embodied during a stressful time at work, a time of uncertainty in her personal life and in the era of Covid. In my 6 Week Group Course, Sweat, Play, Twerk, Diba felt held in sisterhood and reconnected to her body, voice, and the spirit of play.

"... being reconnected into my body, being reconnected to the space it takes, and being reconnected to my voice- I think thats a big thing and I can see it c...

Watch the full discussion here.

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... being reconnected into my body, being reconnected to the space it takes, and being reconnected to my voice- I think thats a big thing and I can see it coming out in small places.
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The Problem

Diba was feeling weighed down by the masculine dominated environment of her workplace and heaviness it involves. In the midst of challenging work developing harassment policy, in the process of moving to another city, and during the pandemic, Diba was desiring a space to ground into her body.

The Solution

Diba felt held amongst the community of fellow womxn and comfortable to show up just as she was- in whatever emotional state or experience she was having. In our dance parties and Pussy Empowered Dance Classes, the variety of music was grounding and felt like home for her. She enjoyed tapping into the elements of fun and silliness -the Play in Sweat, Play, Twerk.

The Result:

  • Diba is finding herself more embodied, taking up space and channeling her voice even off of the dancefloor

  • She catches herself activating her hips throughout her day.

  • She feels grateful for the safe haven to root into joy and silliness in the midst of heavy times

I’m so grateful to have shared this sacred space with Diba!

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Think working with me could be a good fit for you?

Book a 10 Min. Discovery Call with me!

Note: this is NOT a sales call!

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Case Study: How Tina Experienced Immediate Transformation In Allowing Herself to be Seen by alyssa aparicio

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Tina comes from a technical dance background. In the midst of the pandemic, she felt called to find grounding in community and reconnect with her love of dance. Tina also felt it was time to stop feeling bashful in her expression of sensuality once and for all. She decided to join my 6 Week Course Sweat, Play, Twerk for a safe space to explore this with consistency, in supportive sisterhood.

Tina comes from a technical dance background. In the midst of the pandemic, she felt called to find grounding in community and reconnect with her love of dan...

Watch the full discussion here.

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I was grateful that I could see progress in a way that I wasn’t expecting to- like not being in my head at all and catching myself being present instead of thinking , ‘so what am I looking like now?’

The Problem:

At the start of the pandemic, Tina found her movement routine disrupted and was desiring to experience community. Tina came from a technical background when it came to dance and was looking for an opportunity to let go of old stories, get out of her head and feel empowered in her sensual expression.

The Solution:

During our 6 Week Course, Pussy Empowered Dance Classes helped Tina move out of her head and get grounded into her body. Practicing sensual movement and being witnessed in community, Tina got to deepen in embodiment of her truth and trust in her authentic expression.

The Result:

  • Tina is dancing like no one is watching with her blinds wide open

  • She’s reframed old stories around performing

  • She’s found herself feeling present vs thinking about how she is perceived

  • She is accessing her empowered, Highest Self

  • She is feeling liberated in her sensual movement

I’m so grateful to have witnessed this transformation in Tina and honored to facilitate this sacred

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Think working with me would be a good fit for you?

Book a Free 15 Min. Discovery Call with me!

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Dance Your Truth, Access The Power Of Your Emotions by alyssa aparicio

These last few weeks and months we have witnessed darkness come to the forefront of our minds, newsfeeds, conversations. With this weekend’s New Moon, Solar Eclipse and Summer Solstice, we can run but we cannot hide from facing these shadows.

Shadows are not the enemy. But ignoring them is. Because no matter how hard we try, we know the truth. And when we embody that truth, we can begin the process of alchemy.

One thing that I teach in my Pussy Empowered framework is how to digest and embody your emotions through movement. I call this Dance Your Truth and it falls under the umbrella of Alchemizing Your Herstory. It incorporates modalities I have learned including the technology of swamping by Mama Gena, author of Pussy: A Reclamation.

No matter your race, you have likely been visited by any or all of the following emotions in recent weeks (perhaps many of these within the same day): fear, sadness, guilt, shame, rage, hope, optimism.

Maybe you experienced what Sonya Renee Taylor calls in her book, The Body is Not an Apology, meta-shame: shame for feeling shame. Or shame for feeling whatever it is you are feeling for that matter.

How do I know? Because, so have I.

Our emotions are powerful and you and I both know what happens when we stuff that shit away. It is BOUND to erupt when we least expect it.

So I propose that you LISTEN to what is coming up. Hear what you are telling yourself, what stories are presenting themselves from your past, and what worries you are projecting into the future. Allow yourself to embody these emotions by dancing your truth. And once you’ve taken that time to fully feel it, ask yourself, how can I use this raw material to inform my next steps?

The point is not to move into the land of rage, but to let rage pass through you like a storm. To cry and cleanse the toxins out of your eyes, to feel the fire, to find where that emotion is living in your body and physically move with it.

Our emotions are NOT WEAKNESS.

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A video of my share last week, allowing myself to be witnessed in dancing my truth.

Quite the opposite. Our emotions are a source of power. Stifled emotions cause mental, physical and emotional harm. That energy does not dissipate on its own, but instead it manifests in ways that we may not be consciously aware of such as defensiveness, disease, passive aggressiveness, allowing the racist patriarchy to continue unrivaled, fight/flight, feeling helpless and numbness.

But what if we took the time to honor and fully process our emotions? What if we truly listened for the information they are sharing with us.

The best part of our cycle to do this is, well every part. It is always helpful to have a moment of truth with you and your body, mind, spirit, Pussy.

The second best time is during our pre-menstrual/luteal phase. If you have not processed your emotions throughout your cycle, your emotions will come forth during this time. Sometimes they will feel like they are out of nowhere, sometimes they will be very specific. Always they will make their presence known. This is a built in phase useful in leaving behind what is no longer serving us, parallel to waning moon vibes.

Unfortunately, we have many stereotypes associated with this phase and with our emotions in general. We are dismissed as hysterical, bitchy, we are asked if we are menstrual, told we are weak.

In our society, it seems like a luxury and a privilege to have the time and space to feel. We are told emotions are in the way of our productivity. And many are simply over scheduled, overworked, and in survival mode, leaving no time to explore the inner realms.

But you’re not a machine. Your emotions tell you whats up in your inner world. Carving out sacred, safe space on your own and in community to feel is integral to accessing the power to create change. Fuck being desensitized to violence, pain, racism, inequality, poverty. Look where that has gotten us.

Instead, lets allow our emotions to empower us and remind us what we are passionate about. Let us learn from them and translate them into action steps.

For example, in the last weeks I, myself have felt powerful shame overcome me. When I took the time to hear the message this emotion was delivering to me it was this: I am not doing enough. I am not showing up for my Black community. Sitting with this message I identified the underlying desire: I desire to do more. I desire to be part of real change. I refuse to accept helplessness. Reflecting and moving with this gave me the opportunity to recognize this message and create a tangible plan of action as I outlined in My Commitment to Active Anti-Racism.

If I had bypassed those emotions, I may not have allowed that message to resonate through me. Which I think is how we go so long in our lives without facing and standing in our truth. We sweep it under the rug and say we are “fine”, until one day we experience rupture when we least expect it. Thats where the phrase “deal with your emotions, or they will deal with you” comes from.

Instead, I invite you to access your power. Dance in Your Truth today. And if you want to take it a step further and be witnessed in community, feel free to share a video of your movement in our Pussy Empowered Coven or check out the movement playlists I’ve curated and shared there.

Now is not the time to numb out. It is the time to rise up. Are you with me?

Comment “I’m ready to Dance My Truth!” below if you are.

My Commitment to Active Anti-Racism by alyssa aparicio

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I’m Latinx from the Bronx. My immediate family is every shade of skin tone. My ethnicity is a complex and intricate weaving of histories that span across the globe including Puerto Rico, Panama, and Mexico. I may or may not be white passing depending on who you talk to and I refused to answer the census question on race: black or white? Clearly I’m neither, I thought. I cling to my tan as if my identity itself fades with each winter.

But being Latinx isn’t about my skin tone. My experience moving through the world hasn’t been about my skin tone either. And that, is privilege. Growing up, my family didn’t talk about race, as if it didn’t exist. It didn’t seem to exist, for those of us who are lighter skinned… how convenient, I think now.

I’m gonna share an uncomfortable truth here. Until a few weeks ago, I could not see my role in the conversation on race. My own identity often feeling slippery, I wasn’t considering the ways racism has been internalized within me and within all of us. Truly I had not accepted what has become so clear to me these last few weeks:

You’re either racist or anti-racist.

As I took this week listening, going within, and addressing this issue head on, I felt guilt and shame. I came across this description: “indulgence in emotional incapacitation such as guilt”, as a symptom of white fragility in the book White Fragility by Robert Diangelo. I still haven’t scratched the surface of this book but what I’ve already come to terms with: you don’t have to be white in order to experience white fragility or white privilege. And furthermore, believing you are not racist is not helpful in dismantling racism. Nor is being defensive.

The bottom line is that we must all do our part in dismantling racism without and within- especially non-Black individuals. And I am just beginning my journey towards understanding what that really means. So I stand before you with a promise to myself, and my community, that I am committing to becoming actively anti-racist. And I am inviting you on this journey with me.

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Here is how I am taking action and some ways you can too:

  1. I’ve taken the Anti-Racist Small Business Pledge

    Rachel Rogers, CEO of Hello Seven and my cherished current business coach, led a powerful Town Hall last week for Small Business owners to reflect on their business practices. She invited us to take action in the form of pledging publicly to practically outlined objectives that will create tangible change. Over 20,000 people have watched this Town Hall thus far and the viewers and signatures continue to grow. At the end of the Town Hall, we were invited to sign a public document stating our commitment which I have personally signed.

    One of the biggest takeaways that spoke to me at the particular moment of watching: “You.Will.Fuck.Up”- Ericka Hines. I am committed to being a part of change and accepting that I will fuck up along the way. I am sure you will witness me fuck up and I humbly ask you to confront me when you do.

    Watch the Town Hall & Take the Pledge Here.

  2. Healing Racial Trauma

    As I said earlier, this moment in time has truly been a wake up call to how racism lives within, whether consciously or not. It lives in all of us. It is not always conscious. But it lives in our blood, our ancestry, our herstory.

    I personally feel connected to the discussion of ancestry and my femininity. But when it comes to race, I realize I’ve been lacking in my exploration. There will always be more to explore.

    Last week I took a workshop called Healing Racial Trauma by Milagros Phillips. I almost didn’t go because I wasn’t sure it applied to me. Wow was I wrong. This workshop opened my eyes wide to the history of racism and how it shows up in each of our herstories whether we are aware of it or not. The somatic exercise we did to experience where racism lives in our bodies was deeply awakening. I couldn’t recommend taking this comprehensive, and very affordable workshop enough.

    Join Milagros Phillips in her ongoing workshop series taking place every Monday.

  3. Decolonizing my Bookshelf

    In my last blog post, 8 Pussy Empowered Books That Changed My Life, I was shocked to realize that the majority of the books I listed were written by white women. WTF?! I was appalled to realize that in my belief in intersectional feminism, I’ve been leaving out a whole lot of intersection in my studies. My studies around femininity have been centered on white cis femininity. And without ever realizing it, I have been leaving out the exploration of the intersection of femininity with even my own heritage. Even though I have a BA minor in Hispanic Studies and my own lived experiences to reflect on, I have seldom read books about femininity from the perspective of Latinx authors. Unfortunately I have read a few that have been written from the white male gaze like the horrible book I was once asked to review: Why Latinas Get the Guy, I not so politely declined. (DO NOT read this book).

    So what am I doing about it? I am committing to reading more books and research by BIPOC authors. Here’s whats first on my list:

    Currently Reading: The Body is Not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor

    Next Up: Pleasure Activism by Adrienne Maree Brown

    &Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Wisdom of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer

    Also reading White Fragility by Robin Diangelo.

    Buy one of the above books or your next read from The Lit Bar, a WOC owned & ONLY bookstore in the Bronx.

  4. Decolonizing my Craft

    This ties into decolonizing my bookshelf but goes a layer deeper. I teach what I know about Pussy Empowerment from the lens of my lived experience and also as a trained anthropologist. And I am admitting that there is much for me to learn. I will never know it all but I will continue to educate myself to the best of my abilities.

    Most present for me right now is on the topic of twerking. Many of you have asked that I teach a workshop on twerking. Out of respect to the art form, I have refrained from teaching one off classes on twerking. And even in my 6 week container, I have learned that there is much more to explore if I am to truly do justice to the teaching of twerking. I am committed to honoring each and every art form I perform and teach, by continuing my education and assuring that neither I, nor my students participate in appropriation, but rather learn to appreciate responsibly and with a thorough education.

    I am currently learning from Fannie Sosa via her Patreon where she creates Pleasurable Anti-Colonial Strategies + Black Power Naps and shares wisdom from her PhD entitled Twerk/Torque: Anti Colonial Strategies for Thriving and Surviving in Web 2.0 Times.

    I am also exploring the work of ethnomusicologist & social activist Kyra D. Gaunt who specializes in the study of twerking.

  5. Alchemizing Emotions

    Above I shared a symptom of white fragility as an overindulgence in emotions such as guilt and shame. There is also a known freeze response or paralysis aka not knowing what to do in moments like this current moment in time. I believe for a lot of womxn, (and this is not exclusive to womxn but womxn are the center point of my work), we feel massive shame around emotions at large. Told from a young age that our anger is not lady like, that our sadness is overindulgent, that our feelings are inconvenient and our pain a sign of weakness. I do not subscribe to this belief although it sometimes still lives inside of me in the form of self-judgment. I believe it is important to feel our emotions at this time (and always) so that we may have the opportunity to alchemize them, as I teach in my framework.

    My first teacher in this was Regena Thomasheur aka Mama Gena and I continue to learn from her and gather in the community that she has created to participate in her technologies. In her current FREE 4 week Sisterhood Swamp Series she invites us all to bring our emotions to the surface so that we may activate this realm of our power and alchemize them The series has brought in Black guest teachers, activists and speakers to share their expertise and modalities for anti-racism. This is where I was first introduced to the work of the aforementioned Milagros Philips.

    Join the final 2 Sisterhood Swamps here.

6. Starting From HERE.

Like I mentioned earlier, I am committed to doing what it takes to dismantle racism within myself, in my business, and beyond. In addition to the obvious: taking actions to support the Black Lives Matter movement such as signing petitions, making donations, making phone calls, and joining peaceful protests, I invite you to join me in examining your art, work, platform, lifestyle and see where you can take steps towards becoming anti-racist. Creating change in our industries and lifestyles is a very important part of this puzzle. YOU can impact change. YOU are powerful. And we must start from where we are.

If you are still asking yourself where to begin, Empress Lizzy Jeff’s Weekend Intensive for Allies Seeking Guidance and Justice is an amazing place to start.

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There is much work to do and I am making my promise to you that I will be over here expanding to the best of my ability. I hope that you too are feeling ready to anchor into your own power and take responsibility for your role in dismantling racism. Because,

We must do better.

In support of a safe, just world for Black individuals around the world to live in and honoring the memories of the Black individuals who have been murdered in recent days and weeks alone:

Oluwatoyin Salau, 19

Dominique "Rem'mie" Fells, 27

Riah Milton, 25

Breonna Taylor, 26

Robert Fuller, 23

and George Floyd, 46

Black Lives Matter.

Black Girls Matter.

Black Trans Lives Matter.

All Black Lives Matter.

Thank you for witnessing my commitment.

Please leave a comment below to let me know the first action step you are taking. Let’s hold one another accountable.

Guiltless Pleasure Checklist by alyssa aparicio

Pleasure is medicine.
And that medicine is more important than ever before.

How do you show up in the world when you've been nourished by pleasure? 

Turned on

That's why I created a Guiltless Pleasure Checklist.
Its full of invitations to break out of your routine, get out of your head, and have some serious FUN.

Because YOU deserve to feel good.
And this life ain't gonna live itself...

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If you’re already on my email list, check your inbox - I sent it out on 5/25.

If not, enter your email addy and it’ll be on its way to you!

8 Pussy Empowered Books That Changed My Life by alyssa aparicio

The following books are not exactly required school reading, but they sure as hell should be required reading for everyone with a pussy (although I even made my boyfriend read one). If you wanna get in touch with your innate Pussy Power, each of these books has a unique approach to the way in. The ideas presented here will likely transform how you think about your Pussy, your self, and the way you move through the world. They will challenge you at times, make you FUCKING angry, give you hope, and inspire you to take your bad bitchery to a whole new level. Choose one and dive in!

Note: This list was create from my perspective on books I've read to date.

Honorable Mention: Sweetening the Pill By Holly Grigg-Spall about the dark side of the birth control pill.

Currently Reading: The Body is Not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor

Up next on my reading list: Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good by Adrienne Maree Brown

Have you read any of these? How has it impacted your life? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Have another life changing book that you don’t see listed? Especially looking for BIPOC authored books in order to actively decolonize my bookshelf. Thanks for any suggestions!

11 Resources for Radiant Grounding in the midst of CoronaVirus by alyssa aparicio

During uncertain times like these, I am so grateful for the practices that keep me grounded, optimistic and in my power. I want to share some of the ritual and teachers that I have been surrendering to this week and beyond to keep me rooted. This post includes both free and paid offerings, all digital. All offered by world changing women. (My own offerings are sprinkled throughout also) In no particular order…

Grounding in White Sands National Monument, New Mexico. From our series Flash the Abyss

Grounding in White Sands National Monument, New Mexico. From our series Flash the Abyss

  1. Commitment to Pleasure led by Mama Gena

    Mama Gena is a revolutionary leader in empowered femininity. I’ve studied her work and taken her courses for years now and I’m so grateful for her leadership. She’s going live everyday this week at 4pm on Facebook.

    Watch Now.

  2. Breathwork/ Embodiment Practice led by Alexandra Roxo

    Alexandra is an embodiment & spiritual coach, artist and one of my biggest inspirations around what radiant feminine leadership can look like. I am currently enrolled in her year long Initiation program and have just completed 40 days of this embodiment practice. It has been an incredibly grounding, healing practice that has allowed me to move through and with any emotions and situations arising. She has an audio download of this practice available for just $11.


  3. Emotional Freedom Technique led by Gala Darling

    Gala Darling is a walking Lisa Frank notebook. Her colorful approach to the law of attraction feels so good to witness. She releases free weekly pep talks and guided tapping/EFT exercises on her YouTube Channel. If you’ve never tried tapping, its a simple yet powerful way to practice cleansing your energy and writing a new script.

    Watch now.

  4. Sensual Movement led by Me <3

    Sensual movement is an anchor in my spiritual practice and has been since before I ever had the language for it. I’ve crafted a deeply intentional and nourishing 21 minute movement ritual for grounding, getting out of the mind and into the body, and nourishing yourself from within. It is set on the shore of Kailua beach in Hawaii and features the music of some incredible artists to whom I am so grateful. Its also on sale this week for 25% off.

    Learn More.

  5. Guidance from Louise Hay

    Louise Hay was a revolutionary speaker and author whose teachings continue to spread nourishment and wellness throughout the land. Jlo even referenced her as a spiritual guide who changed her life in her recent interview with Oprah.

    Listen to her speak on Overcoming Fear.

  6. Wild Dancing

    Its no secret that music and dance is my life. Moving my emotions through my body through wild dance and claiming my pleasure keeps me sane on the daily. After a few days of having a quarantine dance party for one, a few sister goddesses encouraged me to create an experience where we could virtually dance together in sisterhood. Thus, everyday this week I’ve been hosting a Virtual Quarantine Carnival and it has been giving me life. Its so wonderful to dance with Goddesses and feeling our collective energy shift. Everyday through Saturday we will be gathering at 1pm PST to dance it out for Free.

    Join Us!

  7. Entrepreneurial Guidance from Rachel Rodgers

    I’m so grateful for thought leaders like this absolute BOSS Rachel Rodgers who I am currently learning from. Her feminist perspective, realness, and goal to inspire every woman she meets to become a millionaire drew me to her instantly. If you’re an entrepreneur or artist, listen to her episode on “How to Thrive As a Small Business Owner in the Time of Coronavirus”.

    Listen now.

  8. Hemp Oil

    Some of you have heard me share stories of how CBD/ hemp oil has had a huge impact on my life over the past year. Taking PrimeMyBody’s Focus blend in the daytime and their Calm formula in the night has helped me to stay grounded and in my body, alleviate my anxiety and helped me sleep deeply. I am also a affiliate so feel free to ask me any questions about it!

    Learn more.

  9. Animated Inspirational Videos by Abraham Hicks

    I have been listening to Abraham for years now and I especially like to listen to her first thing in the morning before I let in my own early morning anxious thoughts. Once these animate videos started coming out, it took things to a whole new level! Abraham is an entity channeled by Esther Hicks and while the concept may seem out there, her words resonate with me to the core of my being. I believe channeling is possible and I believe in her message so thats good enough for me!

    Watch Now.

  10. Womb Meditation

    I started practicing this meditation after crafting it to guide women via my Lunar Radiance offerings. I saw what a profound journey it was inspiring and began to practice it daily to connect to my intuitive center. This 18 minute audio recording is a recording of the meditation which invites you to anchor into the Earth, connect with the Cosmos, and tune into your intuition.

    Download Now.

  11. Virtual Gathering

    I have already scheduled multiple gatherings with dear friends this week and it is keeping me looking forward to impending laughter and love. Amongst one group of friends we have a weekly support group for solo femmepreneurs that is so comforting especially at this time. I am also scheduled to meet with my college friends on Zoom and my close girlfriends. YAY.

    On Sunday I will hold a live Womxn’s Circle in honor of the Spring Equinox that is open to all womxn.

    Join us!

Sending so much love to you and yours!! Stay calm, stay nourished, stay grounded.

With love,


Ghetto Stiletto Gurlz Perform at Carnival's Sinderella: A Dance Opera by alyssa aparicio

It was SO MUCH FUN to turn Carnival into a strip club this week at their Sinderella: A Dance Opera Showcase!


Performing with the Ghetto Stiletto Gurlz is one of my life’s greatest passions. I have had the pleasure of dancing under the choreography and art direction of Apollo Sa'Deek for about 8 years now and the thrill of it has yet to subside. Apollo never ceases to challenge us and help us reveal the depths of our talents as dancers.

Apollo's class and support has made me the dancer that I am today. There's no question why I gravitated towards his authentic, raw, provocative movement from the getgo. And he has believed in and has celebrated my authentic expression from day one- for that I am eternally grateful.

Join Apollo’s new Hip-Hop Class on Thursday nights at Danceline in Culver City!

Witness my upcoming solo performance on Oct. 26th at Pop Up Seduction presents: Trick! Whore! Treat!

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Sensual Radiance Womxn's Circle Topanga by alyssa aparicio

This glorious Summer morning in Topanga is one that I will hold dear to my heart.

We came together during the Full Moon to alchemize that which we were carrying in our hearts. Translating and transforming it with the support of sisterhood to remind us that we are not alone on our journeys.

Together we enjoyed a rose petal gratitude ritual, danced, meditated, savored watermelon, shared from our hearts, and above all, indulged in being-ness together.

All proceeds from our circle were donated to RAICES a nonprofit agency that promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees.

A very special thank you to the womxn who showed up to their radiance and put their Spirits first on this morning and to the beautiful 1909 in Topanga for hosting us on your glorious land.

Please sign up for my newsletter to receive email updates for upcoming gatherings:

Sensual Radiance: Ostara Spring Equinox Celebration by alyssa aparicio

Last weekend was the second installement of my monthly Sensual Radiance gatherings. Together we feasted on the warmest day of the year thus far in honor of the Spring Equinox. In accordance with the Wheel of the Year we gathered to honor the cycles of this Earth and of ourselves.

Under the shade of the lush green trees of Topanga, next to a lulling stream, we acknowledged what we are needing to release and what we are ready to call in for the season ahead in.

I lead us in womb meditation, written reflection, flower ritual, and of course sensual movement. Stirred by the ethereal sounds of the live harp played for us by Corinn Zugrun, we danced in the name of our commitment to rising and living in our truths.

We shared in sisterhood with presence and renewed our commitment to living in Radiance.

So looking forward to our next gathering! Check in here to learn more about upcoming events.

March Pussy Empowered Dance Class Recap by alyssa aparicio

This month’s Pussy Empowered Dance Classes were fueled by my recent trip to Mexico where I had the pleasure of soaking up the music, climate, and temperature of my roots. I spent my vacation dancing my days and nights away with some of my dearest friends. Meanwhile, I contemplated the place where surrender and inspired action dance together and how that can be an integrated part of my daily lifestyle.

In my first class back I created a dance to embody surrendered vacation vibes set to music if feminist Argentinian rapper/singer Nathy Peluso.

For my Pussy Empowered Dance Class Full Moon Edition we went full out fun, sweaty, and shameless set to a Brazilian Baile Funk song “Quero Beber” by MC Laila Tanajura (DJ Bruninho HD) off of Mulheres Do Baile Mixtape Volume I by DJ Comrade:

Join me for April’s classes! Wednesday April 3rd and 10th in North Hollywood at Evolution Dance Studios and Thursday April 18th in NYC.

February Performance Recap by alyssa aparicio

Sacred Sin performance at Pussy Powerhouse presents: BOOBS event. Snapped by Corinne Loperfido

This month’s performance schedule was a manifestation of my desire to channel and embody the Diving Feminine through sensual and provocative movement. During my recent travels I received a vision of a performance that was desiring to be born through me. And thus I introduced my new Sacred Erotic act: Sacred Sin. This act is a salute to the “sin” of Eve in the Garden of Eden when she took a bite of the apple that led to her imminent sexual awakening.

I had the pleasure of performing this at both Zen & Kush presents Sacred Sensuality and Pussy Powerhouse presents BOOBS. Both performances were received with such quality presence in the audience - a mixture of dear friends, familiar faces, and fellow visionary creators. It is such a gift to be received in these kinds of consciousness elevating spaces where I know my transmission is being fully received and met with an open heart. Thank you to both Lizzy Jeff and Corinne Loperfido for continually supporting my creative flow and curating such boundary breaking, elevated experiences.

Sacred Sin performance at Zen &amp; Kush presents Sacred Sensuality. Photographed by Nenah Bondi

Sacred Sin performance at Zen & Kush presents Sacred Sensuality. Photographed by Nenah Bondi

Next, I was invited to perform at Eutrophian Events presents NUDE where a truly utopian environment was crafted as if straight out of a dream. I was feeling a particular calling to sweet trust - a letting go of the limiting beliefs and a calling in of the new via orgasmic up-level. Within 12 hours before the performance- the vision for song, costume, movement and message came through in the form of this performance: Cosmic Surrender. My vision was inspired by the Work Your Light Oracle Deck by Rebecca Campbell as illustrated by Danielle Noel. It was a truly cathartic and wholly present transmission which I am so grateful to have been witnessed embodying. Thank you Reshell Brown for your revolutionary creations and event spaces.

Last, but certainly not least, I performed with my beloved Ghetto Stiletto Girls under Creative Director, Choreographer, Mentor, and dear friend Apollo Sa’Deek at Friday Night Raw. We touched ourselves and twerked unapologetically- stomping our stilettos and asserting the right to show off our assets. It was a blast as always and I’m so grateful to dance alongside so many boss bitches. See a snippet of our performance below:

So looking forward to sharing more live performances with you soon! Stay tuned for future invitations!

Sensual Radiance: Topanga Workshop Recap by alyssa aparicio

The first monthly Sensual Radiance Topanga Workshop was nothing short of magic. We were 9 womxn of all different backgrounds and walks of life united in our decision to be present to the ever unfolding truth of our feminine nature.


In the lush green of Topanga’s early spring we gathered around a decadent altar created to titillate the senses and bring us fully into the now. We connected with the Earth and with the Cosmos. We channeled messages from the divine. We danced with our hearts towards the sky. We nourished the bonds of sisterhood and remembered the joys of communal sharing.


We witnessed one another as we acknowledged where we are coming from, where we are currently, and where we are going. We danced in full embodiment of our intentions and commitment to unfolding. We cultivated a relationship of honoring and reverence towards our inner Goddess and saw the Goddess in each others’ eyes.


Thank you to the beautiful, bold, brave womxn who journeyed up into the mountains to take a deeper look within. I am SO looking forward to our Ostara celebration at the end of March. Date and location will be announced HERE soon!

The Launch of (My) Pussy Empowered Dance Class by alyssa aparicio

Teaching a Pussy Empowered Dance Class has been a desire of mine for years or maybe my whole lifetime. At the start of 2019 the intention that surfaced was “GOING FOR IT”. I set out to finally and truly commit to the creative visions that have been tugging at my mind, body and soul for ages. There have been many things in the way just as there has been nothing in the way but myself.

One day at the end of January, I felt a wave of frustration come over me as I saw myself putting these visions second in favor of the more immediately rewarding commitments that were simply not nourishing in the long term. I stopped in my tracks and burned with a need to embody my frustration and my commitment to moving past these limiting beliefs and actions of habit. This is what I created from that moment:

The movement and moment that led to my announcement decision to launch Pussy Empowered

So just like that I sat down, decided upon dates, booked studio space and announced my new class. What has unfolded from there has been immensely satisfying. The first class under the Dark Moon was an expression of SHOWING UP, TAKING UP SPACE and CLAIMING OUR BODIES. We danced to “Givin’ Em What They Love” by Janelle Monáe and Prince. You can see the choreography I taught here. During and after class I felt exhilarated, alive, and totally in alignment with my purpose.

Our next class under the Full Moon was dedicated to setting boundaries in support of our Deepest Desires. We played with Isis Wings, we practiced the expression of our yearning for our desires, and our surrender to them. Then we embodied Cardi B’s fiery and no f*cks given attitude expressing:

“I do, what I like. I do, I do.”

Week 2 Choreography featuring Merema Ahmed. Song: “I Do” by Cardi B and SZA

I am so thrilled to continue with this experimental bi-monthly class and I truly can’t wait to witness the flourishing of these incredible womxn who continue to SHOW UP and bring their full presence, courage, and the full spectrum and truth of their emotions. I am so thrilled and honored to receive such beautiful feedback as this:

Alyssa’s pussy empowerment class is exactly what I need in my life right now. I am a mother of two, but have been a singer/songwriter/performer for 20 years now. I have always struggled with my sexuality in my art and what I wanted to share with the world. Before I walked into her space/class, I felt like I had lost something, like my confidence was gone, but as soon as she began welcoming us into the class (starting it all off with meditation and sharing amongst the sisters in a circle), I knew I was in a safe place. I knew she was going to walk us through reclaiming our “sexy,” our confidence, and our sacred sisterhood. Her choreography is something I will use on stage and in the bedroom with my husband. I cannot wait for our next class! She gives us so much more then dance....she reminds us of our incredible feminine power!
— Dena K

Wow these words bring chills to my body and tears to my eyes as I feel 1000% confident that I am simply in the right place at the right time, finally allowing my visions to move through me with trust in the process. Thank you for being a part of my journey thus far and so looking forward to sharing what’s next!

If you so desire to fan the flames of your feminine fire in my next Pussy Empowered Dance class, the dates for the next two classes are Wednesday March 13th and Wednesday March 20th at West Coast Dance Theatre in North Hollywood.

I look so much forward to proclaiming Pussy Power with you soon!


Sensual Saturday w/ HYPE at Vassar College by alyssa aparicio

Vassar Springtime.&nbsp;

Vassar Springtime. 

It was such a pleasure to return to my alma mater to share what I've learned with Vassar's Official Hip-Hop Dance Crew, HYPE. On Saturday May 2nd, a day of free workshops were held at Vassar College's Kenyon Hall and open to the community. Beginning with my own Spicy Latin Fusion and followed by Shiva Ware teaching Afro-Caribbean. Last but never least Apollo Sa'Deek taught his trademark Ghetto Stiletto class.

As a recent alum of Vassar Class of 2011 and co-founder of HYPE back in my sophomore year '07, it is very important to me as well as fellow HYPE founders that the community stays connected and that past members continue a dialogue with current and future members. Also, that current students continue to use their resources to their utmost potential during their time on campus. Alongside Merema Ahmed, fellow HYPE founder and Class of 2012, we proposed this opportunity to return to campus and share a slice of our experience and community as professional dancers and entrepreneurs in Los Angeles. 

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From their mission statement, "HYPE is an all-inclusive, dynamic, and energetic dance crew that is dedicated to creating a space on Vassar’s campus for hip-hop dance..."

This mission is one that is very dear to my heart. During my own time at Vassar, HYPE was just beginning to understand the importance of the group we created. Not until the tail end of our stay did we finally become an official organization and receive the opportunity to fund our vision for this community. Today the gates are wide open for current students to reach above and beyond what they think is possible.

Having the chance to return to teach my own brand, a mix of my two classes Spicy Latin Fusion, and Sensual Sunday, was an opportunity for reflection and inspiration. To return to Vassar alongside my mentors for the second time to share our experiences and art was a very fulfilling experience. Its so gratifying to continue to water the soil of this community and in turn, to feel supported as we take on the entertainment industry and life after Vassar.

The opportunity to learn from and have access to industry professionals would have been such an amazing resource for me as I was graduating and pursuing a career in dance, I am so grateful we were able to provide the students with some perspective and of course underline and emphasize the importance of staying true to themselves first and foremost as artists in whatever realm or career they choose to pursue.

A still from my class&nbsp;Choreography

A still from my class Choreography

So many thanks to Merema Ahmed for her dedication and hard work to making this happen and so efficiently. And of course, thank you to Shiva Ware and Apollo Sa'deek for offering their talents and wisdom.  And to the members of HYPE (shout out to Tewa Kpulun and the exec board) for helping us make this event a reality, hosting us, and generally 'Ackin' Bad'. 

Shiva Ware teaching Afro-Caribbean&nbsp;

Shiva Ware teaching Afro-Caribbean 

A snippet from&nbsp;Apollo Sa'Deek's class choreography

A snippet from Apollo Sa'Deek's class choreography

Sensual Sundays: Oahu,HI Recap by alyssa aparicio

Sensual Sunday: Kailua

I'd like to express my gratitude to the beautiful women of Oahu who embraced Sensual Sunday with me at the gloriously serene Yoga School of Kailua!  And a special thank you to Lu and Tom Digrazia for inviting me to  create this space in your breathtaking studio. 

The morning was overflowing with the spirit of the Goddess as she was called in to be present for ecstatic movement. Overlooking the green hills of Lanikai, with a view of the mountains and a cool breeze, we shared our stories and basked in the flow of our bodies. New friends and old comrades united and courageously brought themselves fully present to this moment in time-- seizing the opportunity to share in their thoughts and align themselves mind, body, and spirit. 

Sensual Saturday: Lanikai

A giant thank you to Yoshiko for inviting me to her majestic home overlooking Lanikai Beach for a vibrant Sensual Saturday. The women who joined from all over Oahu and beyond were such a pleasure to dance with and the joy in the air was tangible. 

The sense of sisterhood that we shared was empowered by the landscape we beheld as we soaked in the energy from earth, sea, and sky. Looking forward to my next adventure on the islands! 

Mahalo Oahu!

Sensual Sunday: Kailua by alyssa aparicio

The Carnavalesque Presents Sensual Sundays: Kailua!

Where: Yoga School of Kailua

When: Sunday, January 4th, 2015 10:00-11:30am

Awaken your Sacred Feminine Fire with the ecstatic dance of Sensuality led by Renaissance Sambista Alyssa Aparicio. Indulge yourself in the sacred and inspiring space of Yoga School of Kailua.

Join us on the first Sunday of 2015 to set our intentions via Mind, Body, & Spirit.

Invoke your Inner Carnaval Queen and bask in your divinity. Embrace your Inner Goddess while shaking your hips free through the divine arts of Samba and Belly Dance.

Join in on the fun! RSVP HERE

$20 Suggested Donation 
Please RSVP by emailing

*This is a women's only event
No experience necessary - all levels are welcome!!