2021 Lunar Calendar & Guidebook: A Tour / by alyssa aparicio

Creating our Lunar Calendar was quite the experience. From traversing across the deserts of California to interacting with one another via whistle because Erik needed to be that far away from me to get the perspective required for each photo and there was no cell service. It was an adventure that we daydreamed into existence as a part of our photo series Flash the Abyss.

Each photo was taken with the actual moon versus photo shopped in. And my intention in embodiment was to illicit the way that lunar phase feels on an internal and external level.

We hired Mystic Souls Art Design to create our vision of a lunar spiral that indicates the dates and days of the week across the year.

Here’s the finished product:

Order your copy here!

A tour of the calendar:

A Behind the Scenes Look:

Lunar Prowess Guidebook

Our 18 page digital ebook is a how-to manual for lunar living. We explore each phase with our photographs and invitations for practical ways to invite la luna into your life.

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Video Series

Along the way we even made a video series from the footage:

We hope that you’ve enjoyed what we have created from our time adoring and aligning with the Moon!

Feel called to invite the moon into your life? Order a copy of our calendar & guidebook of your own here: