Alchemize Your Herstory

Surrender to Receive Your Dreams by alyssa aparicio

Have you ever brought a big juicy dream to life, only to feel a major contraction afterwards? OR have you noticed that the contractions are strong as you are bringing a dream to life?

In some cases its immediate, in others there may be a lag, but any matter what, it can be a very frustrating experience.

Photographed by @gabrielasvision at Pussy Empowered Party

Let’s call this the process of contraction and expansion. It can happen anytime, after a creative project coming to fruition, a fun sexual encounter, career goal met, dream brought to life. It can happen during the expansion itself.

The exact feeling varies. Maybe its fear, despair, grief, shame, numbness. Overall, its a contrast from the elation or excitement of experiencing a success or bringing a dream to life.

I believe it happens for a number of reasons, but the main one that I have come to realize can be summarized as upper limiting, a term coined by Gay Hendricks that is outlined in his eye opening book, “The Big Leap”. (This is a book that I’ve re-visited many times and have been recommended in spiritual spaces and business coaching spaces alike.)

To summarize, the concept of upper limiting is something that occurs when things are going well in our lives. It can have many triggers, but the more we become aware of its presence and these triggers, the more we can recognize upper limiting as it arises.

Why? On reason is that it is a result of habitual mental and emotional patterns that we have reinforced over our lifetime. Practiced ways of thinking and being that your mind, body, and spirit have grown accustomed to over the years, thus reinforcing neural pathways over time. These are ways that our brains and bodies feel at home in a certain way of being.

When we experience a meteoric or sometimes even gentle rise in our joy, positivity, pride, accomplishment these commonly reinforced ways of being attempt to stabilize once again, often sabotaging the uplifting feelings.

It can also be understood as the shadow side of the success.

For example, in this weekend’s Virtual Retreat: Brave, Badass New Year, we identified our biggest struggles and also our greatest celebrations of 2022. Afterwards, we reflected on the relationship between these two elements.

For me personally, 2022 was a year of major ACTION- I brought so many dreams to life including producing and performing in 4 Pussy Empowered Parties, leading 3 Pussy Empowered Performance 10 week classes, expanding my solo burlesque performance career, writing, recording, & performing my first song, moving out of my home in Topanga and arriving in the Caribbean commencing a period of travel I’ve always dreamed of, amongst other accomplishments. (Yes, I’m flexing!! Its a good muscle to strengthen- you should practice sometime!)

But I also want to illustrate my point, amidst all of this excitement and up-leveling, I began experiencing major anxiety reminiscent of my youth. Anxiety runs in my family and its something that I experienced on the daily growing up. I have had a long journey of learning to calm my nervous system and find true, regular grounding. This process has gifted me a more common state of calm and stability compared to how my internal realm used to feel like on the regular.

Still, at times where I push myself out of my comfort zone, when I’m triggered fear, making big life changes, when I fall off my daily rituals, when I have too much sugar or coffee, and sometimes for no identifiable reason, I experience flare ups.

This fall, I experienced an extended flare up. A contraction to all of the expansion I was experiencing as my mind, body and spirit tried to catch up with all the growth. This anxiety was an aspect of all the action that was being activated. It made sense when I became aware of this this relationship between the expansion and contraction I was experiencing simultaneously.

So, yes, often, the expansion and contraction is happening in conjunction. I like to use waves as a metaphor- that ebb and flow is something we must learn how to surf, to stabilize ourselves amidst it all. Because these waves are inevitable.I don’t foresee that we ever truly reach a point in life where we don’t experience these waves to some extent. However, we CAN get to know our patterns, strengthen the practices that help us stay centered as we continue to rise.

How do we do that? How can we best ground and support ourselves along the way? Here are my tried and true Pussy Empowered solutions to practice before, during, and after our dreams come true. These solutions can be used in the midst of a contraction flare up, and/or ideally daily as a way to continue staying present and processing along every moment of your journey.

Pussy Empowered Solutions:


Affirmation: I surrender to the life of my dreams

Surrender is the foundation of my Pussy Empowered™ Framework because it anchors us into the present. And the present is where our power truly lies.

Using our senses, aka sensuality, we can access this moment and move from the chatter of our mind down into the reality of our bodies. Meeting our bodies in the moment is a way to remember that the earth’s gravity is still holding us, that our breath is still fueling us, that likely in the now moment we are safe. These practices allow our nervous system to really feel that.

I have found that having a daily method to access surrender is critical when working with feelings of worthiness, enoughness, anxiety, and during times of elation. Here’s how you can incorporate surrender into your routine:

Action step:

Create a daily ritual that invokes the blissful feeling of surrender in your mind body and spirit:

Some suggestions:

  • Nature: Spend time in nature

  • Earthing: Put your feet directly on the earth

  • Breathe: Take deep, intentional breaths

  • Touch yourself: let your hands graze across your skin and get present to the sensation while reminding yourself that you are safe in your own hands.

  • Embodiment: Create a playlist for surrender or use this one and use it to get into your body


1.Download my Surrender to Radiant Calm Ritual, a guided daily grounding ritual, taken from my own personal daily practice, filmed on the beach on a breathtaking beach in Puerto Rico. Download here.

2. Listen to my Pussy Empowered Podcast episode, Surrender to Being, to explore this theme more. Listen here.

3.Listen to my Pussy Empowered Playlist: Surrender to Being. Listen here

2. Alchemize

Affirmation: I love myself in this moment, just as I am.

Alchemy is a necessary tool for staying present amidst the waves of life. This is an invitation to continually digest and reflect on your experiences. It is a practice of meeting yourself exactly where you are, as you are, again and again. Embedding methods for alchemizing emotions and experiences into your everyday can help nip prolonged experiences of contraction in the bud.

Action step:

Create a daily ritual that allows you to alchemize whatever emotions or experiences are present for you:

Some suggestions:

  • Dance: put on music that matches the mood you’re in and dance with/through whatever comes forward. Laugh, cry, roll on the ground- whatever feels the most true. You can change the music to match your mood as you go along. Try setting an allotted time for dance daily or allow a less limited time for when you can feel a need to go deeper.

  • Vocal Activation: feel into your body. Where is this emotion, sensation most alive? Take a deep breath into this space and on your exhale, make sound with your voice to mirror this feeling. Do this as many times as you are called to. Try doing it for a period of 5,1 0, 20 minutes and watch how things shift

  • Journal: Free write without judgment. Allow your hand to move across the page and spill everything that is on your heart and mind. “If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me threatening the life it belongs to” - “2am” Anna Nalick


1.Download this Alchemize your 2022 PLAYsheet to reflect on 2022 or for what the process of alchemy can look like. Download here.

2. Read this blog post on the Pussy Empowered element: Alchemize Your Herstory

3. Explore these Pussy Empowered PLAYlists designed for feeling and moving through different moods and states of being. Listen here..


Affirmation: I am so proud of myself!

Yes, celebrate! Set aside quality time to revel and bask in your accomplishments. Even the teeny tiny ones. Getting in a habit of celebrating reinforces the neural pathways in your brain associated with self love, joy, self esteem, gratitude. This is an integral part of creating/living the life of your dreams because without out it, we are simply on an endless ladder seeking accomplishment after accomplishment. When really the reason we seek to accomplish anything is because we “think we’ll feel better in the having of it” as Abraham Hicks says. Taking time to appreciate and acknowledge your wins from small to large gives you the fuel to keep going and the recognition you deserve along the way.

Action step:

Create a daily ritual that invokes the feeling of celebration.

Some suggestions:

  • Dance": yes, dance is a suggested step in each category because it really works, its free, powerful and it can never be too much! Try blasting this Pussy Empowered PLAYlist: Live Rapturously

  • Say it out loud- proclaim, brag, express appreciation out loud to let yourself hear how badass you are. It feels so good to say “I really did that shit!” and let this truth resonate in your body. This practice is amplified when you allow someone else that you trust to be able to hold your joy, to witness you.

  • Bask: set aside time just to bask. That means clear your to do list for part or all of a day after an expansive experience to just be. Be a body, listen to music, stare, take a bath, eat well, order in or eat out etc.


1.Listen to this Pussy Empowered podcast episode: Live Rapturously

2. Listen to this PLAYlist to invoke rapture in your spirit. Listen here.

What to avoid:

  • Interacting and attempting be acknowledged & celebrated with people who tend to be debbie downers, tend to be jealous, or take joy in raining on your parade.

  • Overscheduling yourself or filling your day with tasks or experiences that tend to bring you down directly after an expansive experience.

  • Try not to be hard on yourself. That is, focus more on your wins than what could have been done better. Things could always be done better but thats not a good reason to be mean to yourself!

  • Numbing out with things that tend to have a negative effect on your mind, body, spirit afterwards

PS. Are you interested in 1:1 Pussy Empowered Coaching?

Alchemize 2022 Reflection PLAYsheet by alyssa aparicio

Do you have BIG dreams for 2023? In order to achieve them, its important to reflect on where you’re at right now.

I love me some good reflection time and I consider it the foundation of my Pussy Empowered approach, which is why I crafted a  PLAYsheet (emphasis on the play, because you don't need anymore work). I invite you into a moment of self love in the form of celebrating the YOU that made it to the end of another year. 👏🏽

LIFE, Legacy, & Loss: A Tribute to My Grandfather Armando H. Pretto by alyssa aparicio


On September 19th 2021, just a few months short of his 102nd birthday, my family and I lost my grandfather, Armando Hilario Pretto, to covid. My heartbreak has been immense and yet even through the loss I can feel how powerful his legacy lives through me. He has played a profound part in my empowerment. commitment to living life on purpose, entrepreneurial nerve, passion for health and wellness, self love and beyond. I share this with you as an example of the pillar of Pussy Empowerment I teach: Alchemize Your Herstory.


In honor of his memory I share with you the words I spoke at his memorial:

I always knew this day was coming. I worried about it since the day I understood what death was. And even though I am so grateful I made it 32 years with my grandfather in my life, it is still more excruciating to experience this loss then I imagined especially knowing how he went and how it didn’t have to be this way. But the truth is that even through tragedy, the triumph of my grandfathers life cannot possibly be eclipsed. You see one does not accidentally arrive at nearly 102 years old. A fact he reminded us of often. Furthermore one does not make it to 102 without experiencing much loss- grandpas beloved mother and siblings, friends amongst them. 

It’s the resilience and commitment to LIFE that he demonstrated that has given me strength In these last couple of extremely hard weeks. The fact that he made it to nearly 102 still laughing every single day, cracking jokes and putting smiles on our faces even after he started to not recognize our faces little by little. 

As his eldest granddaughter I have to say I feel like the luckiest of everyone. He wasn’t as strict with me as he was with his own children. But as a grandfather, with us he took his role very seriously as a source of love, light, wisdom and inspiration. I am realizing the not everyone has had someone in their life who poured as much love into them as grandpa poured into us. Everyday and in every way. From installing a swing in his basement to crafting stilts from wood for us, to giving us endless long pep talks about life and how to live it with intention. Almost every day he would pick us up from school with a tupperware of apples my Lita sliced for us and blast music on our ride home, sometimes taking his hands off the wheel to clap which only scares us a little bit. I remember how proud I always felt to point him out to my teachers. THAT impeccably dressed, jokester with a twinkle in his eye- always ready to make anyone laugh, was MY grandfather. 


He never missed an opportunity to tell us how much he loved us- from here to China and back he would say with a booming laugh every time he recounted the story of how one of us said, that’s not far enough- I love you from here to Pluto and back. He always let us know we were capable of anything, everything could be understood , that we were always welcome, loved, smart, beautiful or handsome. 

I remember the day we lost my Nana, my fathers mother when I was about 13 years old. I cried on grandpas lap all day as he stroked my hair and told me she was an angel. Told me about heaven and believed it with every cell in his body. 

Grandpa would never fool you, he would always say. Grandpa will always be with you, never forget that he would repeat. Enough so that through this pain, those words have continued to ring loud and clear. It’s as if through the memory of that day, he continues to comfort me now. 

But honestly in the days since his passing I’ve had a really hard time connecting to my own faith. The night he passed even before I knew I felt it in my body. And as I looked for him in the days after I simply could not feel him. But when I asked where he was I felt a wave in my body. I realized that at the very least he is in every cell of my own body . That I am his living  legacy. As so many of us in this room are. Alive and THRIVING because of him, his love and support. This body, this life and so much wisdom about how to care for it and appreciate being alive is what he has gifted me. 

And every chance he got he would remind us that he felt like a king for all that he accomplished in his life - coming from Panama, making it as a photographer and entrepreneur, marrying my Lita, having all of the kids and grandkids and getting to see them successful and healthy, owning a home. Living the American dream essentially. 

Of all the beautiful things my grandfather said and loved to repeat, “Living is an art, you must learn to live” - is probably one of my favorite and his most famous. I am so grateful that I get to be a part of the masterpiece he created out of the art he made of his life. And it gives me great comfort to know that he didn’t take a single moment of his own life for granted, a template that I highly recommend no one reading this ever forgets. 

I take his commitment of joy, laughter, determination and resilience and I commit to carrying it onwards in his honor and in celebration of getting to live with his legacy in my veins. 

Thank you for being here with me to celebrate the life and legacy of my (abue)Lito, Armando Pretto. 

October in my Membership Program will be devoted to Alchemizing Your Herstory.

Demystifying Stripping, Decolonizing Sexual Empowerment: A Conversation Series by alyssa aparicio

The film Strip Down, Rise Up has premiered on Netflix. Leading up to its release, unresolved feelings about my less than optimal experience being filmed for a class in a modality called S Factor, which was filmed for the purpose of being included in the documentary.

Next came absolute outrage upon watching the finished film which was releases a little over a week ago. Navigating the waves of this experience has been quite the ride.

After sharing my uapologetic, non- sugar coated truth on IG live, the video went viral. It was reposted and shared by many womxn all over the world. My DMs filled with shares & I've been receiving opportunities to speak to this ever since, including in an interview by Buzzfeed. Its been energetically a lot to navigate which is what I want to be transparent with you about.

The best way I can describe how this experience has been is:activating.

From the release of the trailer stirring up unresolved discomfort with my involvement, to absolute outrage upon watching the finished film upon its release a little over a week ago, to navigating the waves of this experience.

Not only that, but my video went viral, shared by many womxn all over the world, my DMs filled with shares, & I've been receiving press opportunities ever since. My voice was included quite a bit in this BuzzFeed article.

As a result of this experience, I have felt called to lean into this conversation and inspired to create this conversation series,

Demystifying Stripping, Decolonizing Sexual Empowerment.

In this episode I break down why this discussion is so important and why creating awareness around this topic is an integral step towards true empowerment. Hear about my journey of using my voice to speak out, what I have learned from this experience, how I am choosing to be a part of the solution, and how I’m inviting you to be a part of the solution to.

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Meet the badass April Haze, stripper, lyra aerialist, activist, pole dancer, and fellow Latina who was also interviewed for the Buzzfeed Article I was also interviewed for last month. We got to talking about experiences of discrimination in the pole dance industry, healing relationships with the male gaze in the club, and how the culture we are raised in impacts our perception of sexuality and what happens when that comes into conflict with the white gaze.

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If you don't already know, you're about to find out that Nadia Sharif is a Badass. In the world of pole dance and general bad bitchery, she is well known and widely respected for her fiery, bold movement style and commitment to using her voice to speak truth.

In this chat we'll learn about how she went from corporate career in technical engineering to pole performer, pole engineer, teacher and founder of Twisted Movement dance wear. We talk about Nadia's recent video speaking out about the problematic use of the word "exotic" that went viral and what that experience has been like. We talk about the sex worker discrimination that has become apparent in the industry of pole dance as it has grown and we talk about Nadia’s experiences as an American woman of Mexican, Pakistani heritage plus so much more.

Tune In.

Samantha Sun is a performer, stripper,  host of Stripper Life Drawing ELSC  and holder of so much knowledge on the intricacies of internet law & beyond. In this chat we address the importance of proper education around consent, the intersection in conversation around sex work, sex traffic, & immigration, interacting with cultural stereotypes in performance and centering policy change. DAMN there's a lot of goodness in this episode.

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Misha Delores is an embodied movement facilitator and learning & development consultant for witches, mystics & spiritual babes of color.

Misha shared about her experiences working in mission based wellness companies in which internal practices did not align with their forward facing values. And what ensued when leadership was called in to accountability.

From there we discuss using your voice, creating boundaries, and what it means to hold responsible space in which toxic patriarchal power dynamics are not simply replicated, but continually called into question. Also, a vision for empowered leadership to create change and get into integrity when harm has been done in order to create pathways for change and growth.

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This convo w/ Jozey covered a LOT of ground.
From the effects of colonization & Catholicism on sexuality, to stripper unions & how to be an ally to s3x w0rkers.

@juicy.jozey is a str!pper, online cam girl, & board member of @soldiers_of_pole_
If you learned something or were inspired by this conversation you’re welcome to tip Jozey at$/juicyjozey

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Stripper & Activist, AMD aka The Queen of Sexy continually uses her platform & privilege to gather, organize, and have the conversations that need to be had.

AMD is Host of @yesastripperpodcast, Coordinator of @soldiers_of_pole_ and Co-founder of @everybodyvisible

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Alchemize Your Herstory by alyssa aparicio



Develop your self awareness & understand where you are on your personal journey, in relationship with your ancestors, & in the greater context of society past & present.

The Problem

  • Many of us blame ourselves for how we interact with the world without stepping back & gaining perspective of the greater context at play and having compassion for where we are on the journey

  • The majority of the womxn’s empowerment landscape fails to address how intersectionality ie race, ethnicity, class, gender impacts our relationship to our power and the greater power dynamics at play in society

  • Herstory repeats itself when we do not take the time to learn from the past

The Pussy Empowered Solution

  • Actively reflect on your relationship with your power, with self, and position within the context of society at large

  • Acknowledge that you do not exist in a bubble & you are not alone in your experience

  • Engage in deeper conversations with individuals from all walks of life and be pro-active in filling in your blind spots

  • Learn to make intentional choices that will create the life you wanna live & the world you wanna live in, in real time

What are the other 9 Elements of Pussy Power?

Ready to Alchemize Your Herstory?

Image: Full Moon by Alyssa Aparicio & Talltree aka Flash The Abyss

Image: Borinquen Preciosaby Alyssa Aparicio & Talltree aka Flash The Abyss