We spend so much of our precious lives consumed and distracted by insecurities and self loathing. This results in talking ourselves out of going for what we want, what we really, really want. It keeps us locked in patterns that no longer serve us and eat away at our focus.

What if we could reclaim that brain space and really feel confidence in our mind, body and spirit?

What if we could ground into our self love, trust, and say:


Present. Rooted. Unapologetic.

What would this make possible for you in your body, life, career, relationships?

Are you ready to move through the external world and navigate your inner world with more conviction, groundedness and ease in your sense of self?

Join us for a werkshop that will lay the foundation for

How to Ground Into Embodied & Expressed Confidence

Here are 3 recent examples of women embodying & expressing confidence that have had BIG impact:

Melanie Brown aka Scary Spice wrote a bold, brave book called Brutally Honest exposing her abusive relationship that led to her spreading awareness of domestic violence and the Patron of charity Women’s Aid facilitating support for survivors and was ordained Member of the Order of the British Empire

Sasha Colby became the first Native Hawaiian competitor and winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race followed by going on tour with her one woman show. She has become an icon empowering the trans community as an advocate while expressing her radiance.

Bianca Graulau, Puerto Rican independent investigative journalist took on important stories that impacted the island and captured the attention of Bad Bunny who asked her to spearhead a documentary baked into one of his music videos and brought international attention to issues massively impacting the people of PR.

Not a public figure, peformer, or reporter? You don’t need to have or want a high profile life, nor be a superhuman in order for speaking & embodying your truth to have a profound impact on your life, your community, and the collective.

AND it doesn’t have to be all hard work and you don’t have to do it alone. You can access it through surrender and pleasure.

In this workshop we will break down the importance of cultivating confidence in a community of women like yourself. We’ll learn practical ways to Embody & Express confidence in real time. Not just in theory.

Led by Founder & CEO of Pussy Empowered, Alyssa Aparicio:

“In my career that has spanned fashion model, writer, performer, artist, stripper, CEO of Pussy Empowered, confidence has been the one thing that I could not have done without. And yes, I definitely employed “fake it til you make it” at times, but over time I learned how to foster, cultivate and practice real confidence in tangible ways that propel me forward. I now share these tools with my clients and students through my Pussy Empowered™ approach. And we have a blast along the way as we reclaim and enjoy confidence as liberation.


Join me to explore, embody and express your confidence in this werkshop:

Date: Tuesday, April 9th

5pm PST/8pm EST (90 min.)

Check your time zone here.

Recording available for those who RSVP.

Open to all genders who feel drawn to activate their Pussy Power.

Together we will discuss

How to Ground Into Embodied & Expressed Confidence

Using the following modalities:

  • Guided visualization

  • Reflection through journaling and sharing in community

  • Embodiment techniques

  • Practicing liberating our expression

    A fun, immersive and interactive workshop. Active participation encouraged but not required.

Payment Options:

  1. Purchase this individual Werkshop (recording will be available)

  2. Join Pussy Empowered Virtual Membership: Tier 2 or 3 to attend this class, access Pussy Empowered Dance Virtual Class on 4/16, and a library of digital rituals & resources. ($75/month, can be cancelled at any time).

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