Ep. 35: Unleash Your Inner Video Vixen / by alyssa aparicio

During the late 90s/early 2000s, the video vixen captured our attention. She strutted out of the sea with water dripping down her body, she oozed sensuality shamelessly, she emanated confidence and radiance in global locations. Where she was primarily put on a pedestal, the video vixen became simultaneously villainized the more the industry equated her with sex work and the more saturated the market became with young models eager for their moment to shine .The Video Vixen impacted my personal path as I stepped into the modeling industry at 14 and has continued to inspire my art.

Today I re-write a personal narrative for what it means to express myself through the medium of video, as a vixen, on my own terms. And I invite you into this space of reclamation and inquiry for yourself.