Applications Now Open

Receive one on one support on your journey of empowerment from the CEO and Founder of Pussy Empowered™, Alyssa Aparicio


A custom journey designed to fit your schedule & support you exactly where you are on your path of empowerment.

In the form of bi-weekly virtual meetings over Zoom


Modalities designed by the 9 Elements Pussy Empowered™ including:

Pussy Empowered Dance®

Guided Visualization

Embodied Affirmations

Vocal Activation

Written Exercises


✨You will strengthen your connection to embodied self trust & self nourishment

✨You will release and alchemize significant layers of old stories holding you back including cycles of shame, fear, doubt

✨You will anchor into a place of renewable & ongoing self love, self celebration, pleasure, and joy

2.Pussy Empowered™ Performance & Movement Coaching

whether you are aspiring or currently a performer, dancer, singer, actor, speaker, this is designed to support your connection to your body and ability to deliver a soul shaking embodied performance.

what you will receive:

✨a custom journey designed to fit your schedule & to support you exactly where you are on your path of empowerment through performance which will:

✨strengthen your ability to deliver an embodied performance that inspires your audience

✨guided development in your signature movement/style to best express your truth

✨cleanse yourself of shame, worry, doubt, and performance anxiety

✨provide support as you develop a signature act or provide choreography for an upcoming performance or video

Apply to work with alyssa 1:1:

Alyssa Aparicio is currently accepting applications for 2 open spots for 1:1 coaching. Once you apply, you will receive a follow up email to schedule a free 30 minute consultation: